2021. Vol. 37.

2021. Vol. 37. 

Szabó M. 2021: Brief notes on newly discovered teeth of the hybodontiform shark Strophodus dunaii (Szabó et Főzy, 2020).    Fragmenta Paleontologica Hungarica 37: 3-11 PDF

Vicián Z. & Kovács Z. 2021: Midle Eovene Tonnoidea (Caenogastropoda) from the Hungarian Paleogene Basin   Fragmenta Paleontologica Hungarica 37: 13-47 PDF

Dulai A., Trif N. & Balc R. 2021: Middle Eocene (Bartonian) brachiopods from Turnu Rsu (Transylvanian Basin, Romania): oldest record of Megerlia and Kraussinidae   Fragmenta Paleontologica Hungarica 37: 49-64 PDF

Kovács Z. 2021: Middle Miocene Buccinoidea (Neogastropoda) assemblage from the Faget Basin (Romania) in the collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest   Fragmenta Paleontologica Hungarica 37: 65-99 PDF

Pazonyi P. et al. 2021: A new middle Pleistocene small vertebrate fauna from the Nagyharsány Crystal Cave (Villány Hills, Southern Hungary)   Fragmenta Paleontologica Hungarica 37: 101-126 PDF

Sebe K. et al. 2021: A late Pleistocene fossiliferous paleokarst site in the Western Mecsek Mts (Bükkösd, SW Hungary)   Fragmenta Paleontologica Hungarica 37: 101-126 PDF